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Hazlemere Neighbourhood Plan - we want to hear from you!

Hazlemere Parish Council are excited to share the evolving detail of the Neighbourhood Plan with you and we welcome your thoughts and comments. Following the public workshops and engagement sessions in 2021 and early 2022, the Planning Strategy Committee meeting have produced six draft policy areas to shape our Neighbourhood Plan for Hazlemere.
HAZNP1: Delivering Low Cost Infill Homes
HAZNP2: Protecting and Improving Greenspace and Biodiversity
HAZNP3: Delivering Zero Carbon Buildings
HAZNP4: Promoting Sustainable Transport
HAZNP5: Improving Local Community Facilities
HAZNP6: Planning for Sustainable Development at Amersham Road/Tralee Farm

More details about each policy, and an opportunity to share your thoughts can be found on the following link : https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HLJRP57 . This link will take you to an external link.