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The Dell Allotments

Parish Councils have an obligation to provide an allotment site if there is a demand by 10 or more residents. The Parish Council identified the site adjacent to the Parish Office at The Dell as suitable for allotments. This site is owned and maintained by the Parish Council.

There are over 14 plots. Hazlemere residents have priority to have an allotment over non-residents.

Members of the Public are very welcome to contact the Council to put their name on a waiting list by emailing the Clerk's Assistant at bookings@hazlemereparishcouncil.org.uk giving your name, full address and phone number.  

The Hazlemere Parish Council's Allotment rules are reviewed annually; the allotment tenancy agreement is available on this page.

An annual allotment competition takes place in the summer, judging is undertaken by Councillors and a presentation is given to the winners at the Autumn Meeting of the Open Spaces Committee Meeting.

During 2013 some improvement work had been undertaken on the site by the Parish Council by reducing the height of the trees next to the Play Ground in The Dell.